facts about The Life Sun bears

Sun Bears ~  or in Latin called Helarctos malayanus a species (kinds) bear the smallest of the eight bear species in the world. Bears (Helarctos malayanus) who likes like a beehive (bee and honey child) as his favorite food is typical animal (fauna identity) Bengkulu province. This honey-eating animals also became the mascot of the city of Aberdeen.
Bears Techspeak as Helarctos malayanus. Whereas in English "Malayan Sun Bear" or "Sun Bear". The smallest bear species is protected animals from extinction International. By the IUCN Red List, bees and honey-eating animals that this is a good climber in the conservation status categorized as "Vulnerable" (Vulnerable; VU).
The characteristics of Honey Bear. Bears (Helarctos malayanus) has a body length of about 1.4 meters high with its back about 70 cm. Adult bears weigh between 50-65 kg body. With the size of this body, made the sun bear as the bear is the smallest among other kinds of bears are there in the world.
Black bears, with fur whitish or yellow in the form of a "V" on his chest. Colored snout brighter than the color of his chest. Bears have long nails long and consists of five each on a pair of front and rear legs. Front legs facing inwards and slick tread. With her nails and her legs is Sun bears are able to climb trees and tall straight trunk quickly and easily.
In the wild conditions, the life span of the smallest bear species is unknown. While in captivity, the bear named latin Helarctos malayanus reached the age of 28 years. This honey-eating animals able to reproduce throughout the year. Bear honey contains over 96 days, and suckle for 18 months. Reach sexual maturity after the age of 3-4 years.
Habitat and Food. Bears live in lowland forests, forest hills, and hills up to an altitude of 1,500 meters. Its spread from Bangladesh; Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. In Indonesia, there is a honey bear in Sumatra and Kalimantan.

Bears although belonging to the order of carnivores (meat eaters) but are omnivores (eating everything), among other small animals, birds, partridges, fruits and leaves of certain particularly the tops of the palm.
Her favorite food is the beehive (honey and their children), because that animal is called "honey bear". The trick a bear preys on a honeycomb, is to insert kuku¬kuku front legs into an existing hive honey, then licked honey bees and their children from it. Foraging activities carried out at night.
Sun Bear Conservation. Since 1994, Bear (Helarctos malayanus) categorized the conservation status of "Vulnerable" (Vulnerable; VU) which means that these species are facing the risk of extinction in the wild. Besides honey-eating animals have also been included in CITES Appendix I since 1979.
The threat of extinction of the sun bear is quite alarming. Hunted bears many people as a selling point is high enough. Who often bought and sold on the black market, among others, bile, meat and feathers adult. In addition, Sun bears both adults and children were sold as pets.
Other threats to the sun bear populations is habitat loss due to forest clearing for settlement and plantation and forest fires are increasingly narrowing the honey-eating animals.
To prevent the threat of extinction, including one conducted by the Foundation for Sustainable Semboja collaboration with BOS (Borneo Orangutan Survival), which makes the bear sanctuary (Helarctos malayanus) in Kertanegara Kutai, East Kalimantan. An area of ​​58 ha have become shelters bears confiscated from the public.
Honey Bear Facts Sun bears are the smallest species of bear. These animals live in Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, India, China, Borneo and Sumatra. Sun bears inhabit the tropical rain forests. The exact number of bears in the wild are not known for their shyness. However, honey bear population has declined dramatically in recent decades due to deforestation (loss of habitat) and hunting. Honey bear body parts are used in traditional Asian medicine. Sun bears are often sold as pets. Farmers kill bears to protect their crops. All these factors can lead to the extinction of bears in the wild in the near future.
Attractive Bear Facts : Sun bears can reach 4 to 5 meters in length and 60-150 kilograms in weight. Males slightly larger than females.Body bears covered with short hair, but the rough that can be brown, black or gray in color. U-shaped patch of white fur, yellow or orange in the chest looks like a sunrise. That's why this animal is called "sun" bears.Sun bears have a strong and muscular body, small ears, short muzzle and large canine teeth.Honey bear claw can reach 18 inches in length. They are used for climbing and digging food. Long tongue used for extracting termites and honey.Sun bears live in both the ground and high in the treetops.Sun bears can be active both at night, depending on habitat and potential threats.Sun bear lies on the evening high in the treetops. Even building a bed using vegetation available.Sun bears are omnivores (eating plants and animals). Diet consisting of honey, fruit, berries, roots, shoots, insects, eggs, small birds ...Adult bears do not have many predators.
They usually prey by tigers. Young animals often become targets of wild cats, snakes, and birds of prey.Sun bears were able to bark when threatened.Sun bears are solitary creatures that sometimes roam in some.Unlike other bears, sun bears do not hibernate because they live in a warm climate with enough food.Sun bears can mate throughout the year. Scientists believe that bears are monogamous (one partner for a lifetime partner).Pregnancy in females lasts about 90 days and ends with one or two children. Baby hairy, blind and they are completely dependent on their mother. Cubs will learn to walk at the age of two months. After the 4th month they will include solid foods in your diet and learn basic hunting skills from their mothers. At the age of 2 years, bears begin to live independently. Sun bears can survive 25 years in the wild and more than 30 years in captivity.

